Katia Ballacchino

Mariagrazia Barone
Mauro Afro Borella

Aurora Egidio
Rosa Giulio
Full Professor of Italian Literature at the University of Salerno (DISU).She is co-editor of the journal ‘Studi Italiani’ and of the series ‘Le Civiltà Letterarie’ (Edisud). She is a member of the National Executive of the Association of Italianists (ADI), of the Executive of the Interuniversity Study Centre ‘Edoardo Sanguineti’ and of the Interdepartmental Centre ‘Alfonso Gatto’.

Maria Tommasa Granese
Wilma Leone

Menotti Lerro
Antonello Pelliccia
Architect, Designer, Art Creator. Former Lecturer at the Brera Academy of Fine Arts in Milan, former Director of the School of Design at the Brera Academy of Fine Arts in Milan.

Leandro Ventura
Rosa Maria Vitola
Promotion and Communication Officer, Head of the Demo-ethno-anthropological Heritage and Intangible Assets Area of the Superintendency of Archaeology, Fine Arts and Landscape of Salerno and Avellino - Head of the Cilento Poetry International Prize Project.